Wednesday, December 31, 2008

AC3000 & Fireworks

Happy New Years Everyone and we wish you a wonderful 2009. And here are the new cheats.

Snow is being stored in the Lodge Attic for some February fun. I’m thinking that Club Penguin is going to have a winter fiesta or a festival of snow party.

The fireworks for the new year have finally came. You can view them at the Iceberg and Ski Hill.

Till next time,
Waddle on.....

Monday, December 29, 2008

Club Penguin Mission 10 Cheats - Waddle Squad Tutorial

Here it is wow what a smoovey mission. It was a pretty good mission not the greatest. Probably the easiest and shortest mission ever! Don't you think?

Anyway here is a video and a walk-through guide.

Club Penguin Mission 10 - Waddle Squad Video Walkthrough

Club Penguin Mission 10 Step by Step Guide

1. Talk to Gary, jetpack guy, and rookie. Then, pick up the box of odds and ends from Gary’s gadgets.

2. Go to the Beach and talk to the jetpack penguin. His fuel ran out and he needs more cream soda.

3. Go into the Lighthouse and pick up the cream soda barrel.

4. Go back to the Beach and talk to the jetpack penguin. Say Yes you found it and give him it.

5. Follow the help message and divide the units exactly how it says until you get to the end.

6. Go to the Dock and talk to the penguin with the rope. Put the rope in your inventory.

7. Go to the Gift Shop and talk to Rookie. Hand him the solar panel you got from G’s gadgets at the beginning of the mission. Then get the table, box of stuff, and clothes from the manager.

8. Attach the solar panel to the magnets wires. Read the instructions on how to program it.

9. Help the Gift Shop Manager set up the clearance table outside the gift Shop:

1. Put the colorful balls on the ground.
2. Set up the table.
3. Put the clothes on the table.

10. Go to the Nightclub. Using the rope you got earlier, put it on the pulley near the cage and hit the lever. The machine will break down. Open it up using your screwdriver from your Spy Phone. Align the gears so they fit best.

11. Go to the HQ. Your Spy Phone will ring saying to go to the Dock. Go there and you will see Klutzy holding a Herbert dummy.

12. Your spyphone will ring again. Answer it and head to the Night Club.

13. Capture Herbert by pooling the red lever down on him.

14. Take the jetpack from jetpack man and put it over the red level. Capture Herbert again.

15. Rookie will hand Herbert the spy phone and then Herbert will escape. Talk to G and the mission will end.

16. Claim your medal and gift.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Igloo Upgrades Cheats & New HQ Message from G

Club Penguin released a new Igloo Upgrades catalog today. Here are the cheats for the catalog:

Click on the word candy from left to right on the candy igloo’s page to get the gingerbread house.

It's not that big and suits the penguins that like to stay home. Here's a preview.

Click on the door of the deluxe snow igloo to get the secret deluxe stone igloo.

And also another new igloo is the Snow Globe, a souvenir turned into a home and it actually snows!!! Here's a preview.

Theirs also a new message at the HQ that says, “Attention! All agents be on alert.”

Till next time.
Waddle on......

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Coins for Change Results Out and a Secret Message from G!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Here are the Coins for Change results
KIDS WHO ARE SICK got 30% of the donated money,
KIDS WHO ARE POOR AND CANNOT GO TO SCHOOL received 33% of the donated money and
KIDS WITHOUT PARENTS OR ARE HURT BY WAR received 37% of the donated money.
I've calculated this and it means Cause 1# got $300 000, Cause 2# got $330 000 and Cause 3# got $370 000
A very good and fair outcome.

Also if you donated any of your coins you would have received a thank you postcard.

Here is the new postcard from G, given out to all secret agents.

Here are the upcoming events. Looks like this is going to be a BIG mission.

And, for all the soccer fanatics, looks like the soccer pitch will come back soon.

Waddle on......

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Club Penguin Login Page Updated

Club Penguin has updated the login page. Look below:

It now has a message box, another box to create a penguin and another to learn more about membership.

Newest Update on Mission 10

G has updated us on the long waited MISSION 10 coming on December 29. This is what he said.

This mission is sure to be a blast wonder what it will be about??? Comment your suggestions.

New COOL Pics Sneak Peak

We're making a new COOL pics link and here are some preview pics.

Club Penguin Mission 10 Sneak Peek

Mission 10 will be ready December 29th, and I don’t want to give anything away, but it’s pretty unique because the PSA will be depending on you more than ever. Here’s a sneak peek:

And again, the polar bear is involved in this mission. I will be posting the cheats to mission 10 as soon as it arrives.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hi Guys

Hi Guys, Amir Khoder here. I was able to make one last post that if anyone wants to be a mod they must be:

Respective to other people

Comment as much as they can

Never swear or be rude to other people

and lastly Never ever ever spam.

Good Luck. And i also might be able to make comments.

Sorry Guys

Hey, Amir Khoder here. Im really sorry that i cant get on the site this month. But Ipod Nano 49 is still on and she will be updating the site. My computer is running REALLY SLOW. Bye penguins!

Club Penguin Treasure Book Update

December 20, 2008

There will be an update to the Treasure Book on Monday, December 22, and I managed to find a preview of the items that will be added:

What do you think about the new treasure book items?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Party 2008 Cheats

December 19, 2008

The Christmas party has finally arrived! Here are all of the cheats.

You can pick up a red Santa hat at the snow forts.

There is a white santa beard at the ski village.

Their is a gift box pin at the lodge.

You can see snow falling at the Ice Berg and Ski Hill. ny ideas why? Comment your answers.

Club Penguin has published 3 new books which you can read at the Book Room. Remember, these books will disappear after the Christmas party!

This years large Christmas tree is located in the Boiler Room!

The Work Shop looks pretty cool. To get to the Work Shop, go into the Night Club, and up the stairs.

Wave away the soccer pitch because the ice rink has come back!!!

The CP hidden room

Can you figure out where this HIDDEN room is??? And this is NOT cp trainer.

Club Penguin Times 166

Hey everyone. The newspaper is here and guess what.......

the Christmas party starts has begun!!!

And for the newspaper the puzzle should look like this.

And here are the upcoming events.

Amir Khoder and Ipod Nano 49 Cheats site GRAND OPENING